
Problem Analysis
Much effort is wasted solving the wrong problems. We work with you to ask the right questions so the solution is built right, once.
Software Architecture
Solid design creates the foundation for efficient software. We make it a critical enabler of your technical endeavors.
Tailored Integration
Let us help you connect your systems together seamlessly, with minimal cost and optimal automation.
Niche Development
Most systems will only meet most of your needs. We can help you fill capability gaps with precisely engineered solutions.


Complexity is a fierce adversary of any technology initiative. Often overlooked and consistently underestimated, it precipitates failure if left unchecked. Technical complexity drives up cost, decreases efficiency, impedes communication and erodes morale. Once established, it becomes increasingly difficult to eliminate. Leave it uncurbed and defeat is inevitable. But with the right strategy, complexity can be controlled, tamed, and even exploited – let’s conquer complexity.


Fidus Technica is a computing technology firm specializing in software architecture, software engineering and systems integration.

Joshua Lewis is the founder of Fidus Technica. He built his career leading teams that design, construct, and field unique software systems in demanding environments for innovative companies and pioneering customers. He has successfully implemented solutions in a diverse set of highly technical domains including flight simulation, video streaming, geotagging, data compression, forensics, wireless and GPS tracking, video gaming, offshore drilling, personnel management, manufacturing, process compliance, applied physics, combat equipment instrumentation, graphics and GPU programming, discrete event simulation, quantitative finance, and learning management. Joshua holds a master’s degree in Software Engineering and a doctorate in Modeling and Simulation.

Reach out and let us know what technical challenges you are facing – we would love to help.